RPFS-LO : ROTA PULSE FLOW SENSOR – Slip Insertion Paddlewheel with inductive coil pulse output & built in op-amp circuit
The RPFS-LO inserts directly into a large range of pipe adapter fittings available in PVC, Galvanized Iron, Brass, Stainless Steel or Polypipe materials, covering pipe sizes 15 to 100mm (standard sizes), RPFS-LO-LS for sizes 110-500mm.
This makes the RPFS-LO series units suitable for a wide range of liquid flow measurement, monitoring and batching for battery powered or low current requirement applications.
With only one moving part and limited intrusion into the pipe, and combined with its flow-through design, the paddlewheel rotor allows accurate measurement of liquid flows with virtually no head losses.
Each of the 4 blades of the rotor (paddlewheel) extends approximately one centimetre into the flowing liquid. The RPFS-LO sensor generates a square wave pulse with the frequency output proportional to flow velocity and proportional to pipe diameter.
Magnets are not used, thereby eliminating iron particles jamming the rotor. The alloy rotor used also makes the RPFS less susceptible to interference from turbulence and particles hitting the rotor, thereby giving superior flow results.
- ± 2.5% accuracy @ velocity range 0.5 to 8.5 m/sec.
- ± 1.5% accuracy over linear range 0.7 to 7.0 m/sec.
- Repeatability of rate ±1.0%.
- Inductive coil pulse output (built in op-amp circuit) for low current applications (Ideal for dataloggers and other battery powered devices)
- Maximum process temperature 60°C.
- Simple installation and maintenance.
- Voltage supply range of 2.7 to 5 VDC.
- Large range of pipe adapter fittings:
- Standard in sizes 15 to 100mm, Long Stem version 110 – 315mm (upto 500mm)